Monday, December 30, 2019

Essay on Racism - 1251 Words

Racism Racism has often played a central role in conflicts between groups of people. Racism is the intentional or unintentional use of power to isolate, separate and exploit others as defined in the Webster dictionary. People generally respond to others differently based on what they know, which may include superficial characteristics often associated with race. This paper will express my opinion of how racism will effect America. I will base information from Webster’s definition of Racism, reading assigned for the course, and some of my own ideas on ways to overcome this obstacle as a nation. Racism has historically been defined as the belief that race is the primary determinant of human capacities, that a certain race is inherently†¦show more content†¦This is like asking a man to forsake his own children and love the children of his neighbors, since to do otherwise would be racist. The point of this argument should be obvious: There is only one nonarbitrary point at which such a line may be drawn, and that is at the community of all the human beings on the planet. Given the increasingly integrated, globalized era in which we live, and the ecological, social and economic problems requiring resolution, the task will be to create institutions at the global level which will provide space to debate and deal with those problems in ways consistent with the cosmopolitan liberal commitment. At Neumann, students are taught a well rounded curriculum to excel regardless of ethnicity. Many of the classes taken at this college are centered around individual thought and expression. Neumann goal is to welcome or embrace diversity. While attending various other colleges, this was not the focus or goal of the college. Neumann broadens ones horizons to look beyond the visual that one see and focus on the person as a whole without any reference to race, gender, or nationality. Fredricksons analysis is probably one of the most direct and functional definitions of racism of our times. He put it out in the for front to be read by all In reading, this writer felt as if he feels that racism can easily become interchangeable with religious bigotry when facing corporatism that aims to alienate and devalue humanShow MoreRelatedRacism : Racism And Racism1544 Words   |  7 PagesTo understand whether or not racism is learnt, we first have to divulge into the nature of racism. It is usually assumed that racism has been a part of civilisation since civilisation started, that it is embedded into how people work and that no matter what, it will always exist. 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It is the enemy of freedom, and it deserves to be met head-on and stamped out.† - Pierre Berton Racism is the unjust hate for any people who are simply different for a various array of reasons. It is all around us and always will be, but that does not give us the right to be passive on the subject. This discrimination against culturally diverse people is hurting our â€Å" land of the free†, one racist remark at a time.Read MoreRacism : Racism And Racism1181 Words   |  5 PagesThis issue of racism is popular by name but tends to be sugar coated by the way people see it. In order to truly understand racism you need to take a bite into the topic in order to get a taste of what it is really like. Racism comes in many different forms and can be seen many different ways. But why even care about racism at all? Why does it even matter? One would think that with such a harsh background regarding racism in America it would no longer exist in society today. But sadly that is notRead MoreRacism : Racism And Racism989 Words   |  4 PagesRacism in America Racism discrimination has been one of our society’s most horrible social problems. In the words of the famous Martin Luther King judging an individual by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character can be a very dehumanizing experience that can have lasting effects on an individual life. Racism in America has not come to a cease. Racism promotes negative personal relations between people of different cultures. I believe slavery started around the 1500sRead MoreRacism : Racism And Racism996 Words   |  4 PagesCovert Racism Introduction Racism; ‘the belief that races have distinctive cultural characteristics determined by hereditary factors and that this endows some races with an intrinsic superiority over others’ (Collins English Dictionary 2012) and thus leading to ‘abusive or aggressive behaviour towards members of another race on the basis of such a belief’ (Collins English Dictionary 2012). Over time, racism has transformed from a blatant and overt form into a passive style of prejudice and discriminationRead MoreRacism : Racism And Racism1094 Words   |  5 PagesRacism has been an issue that has caused controversial debates for years. It is a topic that stirs up lots of emotions within people and continues to be an argument for all. When there has been a shooting between a white and a colored or a cop and a colored person, people blame it on racism. They state that since the white cop shot the black man it simply means the cop was racist. Then the people want to speak that justice needs to be served and the cop needs to be put in prison or released fromRead MoreRacism : Racism And Racism1751 Words   |  8 PagesRacism Social Justice Topic Issue Corbin Metz H R – 3013 University of Oklahoma Racism Social Justice Topic Issue Today in our society, racism is a very popular social justice topic issue, which affects many of the lives of those around us on a daily basis. Individuals as well as organizations and institutions widely commit the act of racism and these issues are embedded in their policies, procedures, and practices (Calgary). The first signs of racism beginning to arise in the worldRead MoreRacism : Racism And Racism1971 Words   |  8 PagesRacism has come to be a very important topic in today’s society. Many are talking about the injustices when it comes mostly when it comes to African-Americans and Caucasians in authority. Many have deemed the incidents of Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray, Sandra Bland, Walter Scott, Akai Gurley, Tamir Rice, the Spring Valley High School video, and even the Charleston Shooting to name a few as reactions to racism. Out of the people talking about these events, only a few really know the meaning of racismRead MoreRacism : Racism And Racism2243 Words   |  9 PagesRacism, a topic which has become especially touchy in modern times. It is quite clear that racism is alive not only in the United States, but across the globe. Though the topic is widely talked about, nobody really does anything to stop it. People will be quick to elaborate on the fact that it should be stopped, then make no changes themselves. Yet do they truly understand the concepts of racism and what it really means to be racist? Granted everybody understands that it is racist to hate a group

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Stakeholder Analysis Of Delhi s Odd Even Policy - 1510 Words

Stakeholder Analysis of the Delhi’s Odd Even Policy The implementation of the odd-even policy has directly or indirectly impacted a wide variety of people especially those living in Delhi. Due to the complexity of the demographic structure and transportation system in Delhi, this experiment has drew intense attentions from the public and brought pressure to the government. The citizens in Delhi were highly impacted by this drastic measure. Meanwhile, the high court in Delhi and the Delhi government played the key roles in determining and implementing the policy. It is crucial to understand the role of each stakeholder played in this issue and how well their interests or concerns were addressed. More importantly, studies were made to investigate which stakeholder has a higher level of influence in the policy making and implementation process. This will provide important insights to the future implementation of the policy as revealed by the government earlier. Therefore, this paper has carefully examined the interests of three main sta keholders groups (residents in Delhi including the minorities, Delhi government and the High Court), the impacts of policy on each group and their level of influence in this policy. Citizen in the capital is the largest stakeholder group in this experiment. Residents in Delhi played the key roles in ensuring the success of the experiment. Without the cooperation given by the residents, the experiment will not be able to carry out smoothly andShow MoreRelatedcivil aviation23384 Words   |  94 PagesCompetition Issues ......................................................................................... 11 4. Identification of Anti-Competitive Provisions and Practices ......................................................... 15 5. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Climate Change Problems For The Fiji Islands Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays

This paper explores the hazards that climate alteration airss to the touristry development in Fiji islands. It shows the inauspicious effects of the altering clime and the dangers pose by the touristry activities and besides pose a major jeopardy for the local people in the part. It besides deals with the unsafe C emanations and CO2 consequence on the landscape, nutrient, H2O, energy. We will write a custom essay sample on Climate Change Problems For The Fiji Islands Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Cardinal words: Pacific, clime alteration, C and CO2 emanations. Introduction The Pacific is the world`s largest ocean with a surface country of 175 million sq kilometer and constitutes for 40 % of the planet`s Waterss. Located in the tropical latitudes, it covers more than half the globe`s perimeter. Temperature of the surface H2O in the western tropical parts is ever more than 28 ISC over a deepness of several hundred metres. This makes up the world`s storage of thermic energy for exchange with ambiance. Here the interaction between ambiance and ocean is most utmost and influences the clime non merely regionally but planet-wide. The states of the Pacific are obscured human colonies absorbed in this huge fluid existence. The ocean is the most of import factor commanding the environment and life. Hence any alteration in pelagic conditions and climatic alterations are of import for environment and life ( Philander, 1990 ) . The average clime of a part is defined by the mean conditions observed over 3 decennaries or more, sing all features that makes conditions felt by everyone and predicted by meteorologists. The chief features are temperature, air current conditions, atmospheric force per unit area, cloud screen and rainfall. The south Pacific is bounded by an country of low force per unit area near the equator and high force per unit area around 30 S analogue. North-south force per unit area creates the regular air currents in these two countries known as the south-east trades ( Philander, 1990 ) . Any alteration in earth`s clime has an impact on world, biodiversity, wellness and services provided by ecosystems worldwide. For accommodating to such clime alterations it is necessary to understand fluctuation of clime, why and how the clime alterations, and how it impacts the earth`s ecosystems. Climate manner is an of import manner of understanding clime variableness, alterations and impacts. Earth`s clime is altering and such alterations tend to take topographic point with different forms which may be characterised by one or many manners of the clime systems ( Philander, 1990 ) . Fiji is the largest touristry finish in the south Pacific but international reachings are unstable over the last 5 old ages because of harmful events like political putsch in Fiji in 2000, terrorist onslaughts in United States on 11th September 2001, the Bali onslaught in 2002, and terrible acute respiratory syndrome eruption in Asia in 2003. Tourism is endangered to natural jeopardies and catastrophes like temblors, tsunamis, inundation, drouths, and cyclones. Climate alteration is an of import feature in catastrophe direction as it is likely to impact Fiji through sea degree rise and storm rush, altering temperature and utmost conditions events ( Wilbanks, 2003 ) . About 400,000 tourer visited Fiji in 2002 with an mean length of stay of 8 yearss. While most visitants come for remainder and relaxation linked to beach environments, current selling runs aim to switch the image from pure beach publicity to a wider experience ( Ministry of tourism-Fiji, 2003 ) . The chief purpose of this journal paper is to analyse effects of clime alteration in Fiji islands and accommodating and minimising clime alteration by the tourer resorts. The ground for behind this is that studies and interviews were undertaken ensuing in many operators already prepared for clime related alterations and adapt to possible impacts ensuing in clime alteration. Method Tourism in Fiji is mostly based on resorts therefore adjustment sector is outstanding touristry sub-sector. Tourists spend most of their clip at the resorts. For the above grounds it was appropriate to concentrate on this analysis of adjustment. Effectss of clime alteration on touristry in Fiji Tourism operators are familiar with ecological factors like strong reefs and plain H2O crucial for touristry in Fiji. Operators were witting of the clime alteration associated impacts like cyclones, the walloping of coral reefs and deluging. Contaminated H2O was related to mounting H2O temperature and clime alteration. Increasing sea degrees were mentioned by three concerns, two of which lie in low lying Mamanuca Islands. Generally adjustment concern had experienced at least one of the clime related impact. The most common impacts were eroding, H2O handiness, and break of electricity. Many resorts were affected by cyclones ensuing in coral bleaching and belongings injury ( Short, 2004 ) . Climate related impacts antecedently experienced Frequency out of 25 Remarks by respondents Shore line/beach eroding 9 Banks on border property/beach give manner Decreased H2O handiness 9 In recent drouths Interrupted supply concatenation 8 Power cuts Coral bleaching 8 Noticed by tourers, snorkelling affected Damage to belongings 5 From sea rush Sea degree rise 3 – Storm frequence and strength 3 Care of gardens ( Short, 2004 ) . Eight concerns said that they were non affected by any of the factors listed. There are five countries located in the Mamanuca Islands, which are comparatively exposed to climate alteration due to the hazard of cyclones, sea degree rise, hapless H2O quality, vanishing corals, and unequal H2O handiness. There is demand of apprehension of clime alteration jobs and the directors do non portion the jobs faced by clime alteration ( Short, 2004 ) . Tourist adjustment uses big assortment of energy resources with electrical energy created from hydropower or Diesel generator being most of import for energy usage. Petrol and Diesel is use for concern vehicles and other intents. Besides liquefied crude oil gas is used by most concerns largely for cookery, hot H2O and in wash. Energy use and nursery gas emanations differ loosely for diverse concerns. The criterion of adjustment and geographical location are the two factors that have major influence on energy ingestion and carbon-dioxide emanations ( Becken, 2002 ) . Tourist adjustment in the Mamanuca Islands is about 2-3 times every bit carbon-intensive as that in Viti Levu. The key cause for this is in electricity coevals, which is to a great extent less carbon-intensive in Viti Levu. Because of the high measure of renewable energy beginnings ( hydro and bagasse ) compared with Diesel production on islands with its natural insufficiency ( about 65-70 % of energy input is lost during the procedure of coevals ) . Resorts on distant islands run more or less self-sufficiently, and therefore have auxiliary energy demands ( e.g. , sewerage intervention, stop deading trash ) . Transport energy use is besides high given that non merely do tourers hold to be transported to and from the resort, but so besides do nutrient supplies, energy ( Diesel and gas ) , H2O and other devices required for runing the resort ( Becken, 2002 ) . The unsmooth executable estimation is obtained of energy usage and C monoxide emanations related with touristry for the Fiji. The entire figure of visitor darks spent in Fiji was 2,891,295 in 2002 ( Department of energy, 2003 ) . 82 % of visitor-nights were spent in hotels, 13 % in backpacker/budget adjustment, and the staying darks were being spent in motels, on boats or in other signifiers of commercial and non-commercial adjustment. Total energy used due to tourist adjustment was calculated at 1,078,373,475 MJ per annum which is tantamount to national energy usage of 6.5 % . in footings of C monoxide the adjustment industry emits 68,219 metric tons per annum. ( Department of energy, 2003 ) Tourism in Fiji is highly exposed to climate alteration related jeopardies such as cyclones, deluging and storms, sea degree rise, eroding, conveyance and communicating break, and momently less H2O handiness. Another most of import apprehensiveness for the touristry industry is the want of natural systems, such as coral reefs and forest ecosystems, farther exasperated by clime alteration. Tourism concerns in common are affected in the signifier of physical harm from a cyclone or storm rush, eroding, and coral bleaching. In malice of the high hazard linked with tourer installations built on the waterfront, most new developments spotlight on coastal countries. Mangroves are been cut down in big graduated table who in bend Acts of the Apostless like a protection against clime related alterations ( Jones, 2003 ) . Tourist adjustment suppliers adapt to climatic conditions that may impact their concern, and in making so they are besides prepared for impacts that may ensue from a altering clime. Typically, operators focus on comparatively concrete and foreseeable bad impacts, such as cyclones and storm rushs, for illustration by cyclone-proofing their constructions and raising breakwaters. A figure of adjustment suppliers have insurance screen against cyclones and storm rushs. By and large, it seems that the hazard of accumulative impacts or more abstract impacts are less recognized and addressed. Pollution control, sewerage intervention, and H2O direction are illustrations of this. The exposure to extreme climate-related events can be reduced when clime alteration version is integrated in the development procedure from the earliest phases ( Jones, 2003 ) . The exact location of the development and design such as constructing stuff, orientation, constructions and landscaping aids in cut downing the exposure. There is a chance to alter touristry development in at finishs less vulnerable to climate alteration, with current efforts to diversifying Fiji`s touristry merchandise in relation to ecotourism. New and alone touristry merchandises can be developed in Fiji on high land countries utilizing Nipponese construct of shakkei ( borrowed landscape ) , where hotel layout, garden landscape gardening and scenery are assorted together into an overall experience of ecosystem that is different from the typical beachfront ( Ayala, 1995 ) . A figure of nursery gas moderateness processs are in topographic point such as accommodating generator sizes, exchanging off visible radiations, energy efficient visible radiation bulbs and solar hot H2O. There is a immense potency for solar energy and wind-generated power particularly on the Coral Coast, the Mamanuca Islands, and Sonasavu, these engineerings are taken up easy, inhibited by deficiency of cognition, capital, capacity and authorities inducements. Often, the energy demand of a individual tourer resort is excessively little to warrant investing in a air current turbine. The policy focal point and involvements of resort operators in Fiji are development-driven, although there is a strong acknowledgment of the construct of sustainable development. Climate alteration is chiefly seen from the position of touristry ‘s exposure and version. Extenuation seems to be less pressing, although in the average term increasing nursery gas emanations ( e.g. , as a consequence of i ncreasing tourer reachings ) could sabotage Fiji ‘s credibleness in international dialogues on clime alteration. The above order of Government and industry precedences has to be recognised when seeking to implement any climate-change-related steps ( Ayala, 1995 ) . Climate alteration can be assorted with sustainable development by placing cardinal jobs and so associating those to climate alteration. In the instance of Fiji touristry these major local jobs are land usage issues, old stock adjustment, deficiency of new capital and investing, limited air capacity, dependance on air travel, economic escape, deficiency of alone merchandising point, environment debasement and political instability ( Narayan, 2000 ) . Environmental jobs like pollution, deforestation and inordinate usage of resources are to be considered. Potential issues in add-on to these jobs are more likely to be funded by giver bureaus, stakeholders and industry members ( Hay et al. , 2003 ) . Acknowledging co-benefits of clime alteration policies is every bit of import as its consequence, for illustration, heavy usage of air conditioning leads to increase in nursery gas emanations or the resettlement of sand adds to local environmental impacts. Future work would necessitate to take into history technological and economic facets, every bit good as the expected sum of decreased or increased nursery gas emanations ( Dang et al. , 2003 ) . Energy is a major cost driver for the operation of a touristry adjustment concern, particularly when energy is derived from fossil fuels either for conveyance or electricity coevals. The operation of Diesel generators is dearly-won, because of inefficiencies, transit costs ( diesel cargo ) , care, and wages for powerhouse staff. Therefore, directors have an economic involvement in maintaining electricity ingestion depression. The Southern Cross with Diesel generators, nevertheless, is that one time a generator is purchased, the optimal scope of electricity coevals is determined at approximately 80 % of the maximal public presentation. Mini hydropower strategies are less relevant for coastal resorts, but could be an option for touristry ventures operated in inland communities ( referred to as ecotourism operators by the Fiji Ministry of Tourism and Visitor Bureau ) . The capital costs are really high, nevertheless, and accordingly the consumption is minimum. The Department of Energy p resently assesses possible sites for mini hydropower strategies, and it is besides researching possible for geothermic electricity coevals on Vanua Levu, the 2nd largest island of Fiji. Wind energy is non widely used in Fiji, but the Coral Coast, Mamanuca Islands, and Sonasavu are assuring locations for wind-powered coevals. Wind energy systems are available at different graduated tables, runing from little 1-kW 1s to 100-700 kilowatt strategies ( medium graduated table ) , or even larger 1s ( UNEP, 2003 ) . Tourist resorts would necessitate small- to medium-scale air current systems if they want to run into their whole electricity demand by wind power. Small islands are improbable to raise air current turbines because of deficiency of infinite and noise pollution. Resorts on larger countries are in a better place to prosecute wind energy. No renewable energy beginnings are presently earnestly discussed for conveyance, although one resort looked into wind-driven boats, and there are geographic expeditions into replacing fossil fuel with bio-fuel, for illustration derived from coconut ( copra ) oil ( Sopac, 2004 ) . Stairss to minimise the consequence of clime alteration in Fiji Reforestation is the most of import agencies of cut downing clime alteration. Trees minimizes vulnerable nature of cyclones, better microclimate and enhances landscapes which are used in touristry activities. Trees cut down C content in the air and are utile in adaptative steps like eroding control and watershed direction. Forest protection and plantation should be done under adaptation policies. Developing little graduated table engineerings for air current and solar energy on the distant island would assist cut down the dependence on imported dodo fuel and economic escape ( Dang et al. , 2003 ) . Adaptation Impact on extenuation Impact on environment Tree plantation Reduces net CO2 emanations through C sinks Benefits biodiversity, H2O direction, dirts Water preservation Reduces energy costs for providing H2O Positive in countries where H2O is limited Renewable natural resources Reduces CO2 emanations Overall, less fouling than fossil fuels Natural edifice stuffs Small C footmark for locally produced stuffs Depends on sustainability of plantations Reducing H2O pollution Increased energy used for sewerage intervention Positive for coral reefs and marine life Marine protection Impersonal Positive for Marine biodiversity Rain H2O aggregation Saves transport energy for providing H2O Possibly interrupts the natural H2O rhythm Guest instruction Impersonal Additions consciousness Puting back constructions Impersonal Positive when constructions built off from beachfront Diversifying markets Positive if markets are eco-efficient Depends on environmental impacts of new markets Weather proofing tourer activities Depends on the type of activities Depends on the type of activities Water desalination High energy costs Returns force per unit area off fresh water resources Increasing beach conditioning Additions CO2 emanations Air pollution in instance of Diesel coevals Beach nutriment Energy usage for excavation and transit Disturbs eco systems Reducing beach eroding with sea walls Impersonal Disturbs natural currents and cause eroding ( Dang et al. , 2003 ) . There is no common scheme to turn to interactions between clime alteration and touristry in Fiji, nor is at that place a sector-wide industry association that could advance any climate-change-related enterprises. However, there are stray illustrations among industry members that reveal a high apprehension and advanced usage of engineering and direction to turn to climatically unfavorable conditions. Those operators are besides best prepared for increased hazards ensuing from clime alteration. Besides, a figure of operators engage in wider environmental direction, energy preservation, and hence climate alteration extenuation, although the nursery gas emanation facet is seldom the ground for the mitigating steps undertaken Overall, there is a demand for tourism-specific information on what clime alteration is, how it will impact touristry, and what operators could make to accommodate and extenuate. In the medium term it would besides be of import to include climate alteration in the course of study of third instruction for pupils in the field of touristry, resource direction technology and architecture. Since the range and costs for many version and extenuation steps are mostly determined by the design of tourer installations, the incorporation of these facets into architectural classs is peculiarly of import. Alongside information and instruction enterprises, the Government could help concerns in set abouting energy audits, easing the execution of Environmental Management Systems ( e.g. , Green Globe 21 ) , and supplying inducements, for illustration for the consumption of renewable energy beginnings. Climate alteration could organize portion of a wider hazard direction program for touristry. Such an enterprise is presently being discussed between the Ministry of Tourism and the Disaster Management Office. A two-level attack could be possible, where guidelines are provided for touristry operators to develop their ain hazard or catastrophe direction program at the concern degree, while Government screens wider issues beyond single concerns, such as touristry substructure and larger emptying programs. The current effort by the Fiji Visitor Bureau to diversify the merchandise could be seen as portion of national-level hazard direction, as they attempt to distribute hazard across different markets ( e.g. , event touristry, athletics touristry, nature touristry ) and seasons. Fewer enterprises exist to weather-proof touristry, as suggested for touristry in Phuket, Thailand ( Raksakulthai, 2003 ) . Another of import measure towards implementing a nation-wide hazard direction scheme for touristry and clime alteration would be the function of all touristry substructure, every bit good as the hazard of assorted jeopardies in different locations. The Department of Environment in their clime alteration policy or the Ministry of Tourism in their hazard direction program are best advised to prosecute steps that offer win-win state of affairss, viz. for version, extenuation, wider environmental direction and development. Examples of such steps are re-afforestation, H2O preservation, and the usage of renewable energy beginnings. It is recommended that the synergisms between version, extenuation, and sustainable development be explored farther and that the effects be quantified where possible ; i.e. , how much C can be saved as a consequence of a peculiar step and what costs are involved. This is even more of import given the deficiency of resources in Fiji, which requires maximizing benefits from any enforced step ( Dang et al. , 2003 ) . Reducing the ingestion of hot H2O for wash and showers and cut downing the H2O temperature are salvaging steps. Other energy usage decreases steps in adjustment are illuming, including energy efficient visible radiation bulbs, detector lighting in the garden, solar panel visible radiations, and room keys used to run visible radiations inside the room. Although energy efficient bulbs are good option they are expensive and do non last long because of the fluctuating supply of power from generators. In the smaller islands the energy costs of transporting are higher, so the directors tend to increase the ship burden with riders on board with nutrient, waste or H2O. One manner of salvaging fuel is to minimise transportation trips. The addition in planetary average temperature to 2 grades above pre-industrial degrees is necessary to maintain the hazard of unsafe clime alteration at an acceptable degree and to restrict clime impacts. Temperatures increase certain degree of atmospheric concentration. The consequences indicate that in order to hold a good opportunity of restricting planetary mean temperature in the long tally to 2 grades atmospheric concentration of all nursery gases needs to be stabilised. Intergovernmental policy on clime alteration i.e. IPCC indicates that maintaining concentration in the scope of 445-490 ppm requires planetary emanations to top out by 2015, and to fall by between 50-85 % by 2050. Current tendencies would ensue in much higher concentrations and high hazards of ruinous clime alteration. The clean development mechanism means to do conformity with easier mark committednesss, the Kyoto Protocol allows utilizing offset credits from emanations decrease undertakings in developing states, under the Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) . Governments can suggest and implement emanations decreases on a project-by-project footing under CDM. The ensuing credits are bought by authoritiess that are under emanations decrease duties. Large undertakings classs are renewable energy chiefly utilizing hydropower alternatively of fossil fuels, decrease of methane emanations from landfills and coal mines, emanations from cement production, and devastation of powerful industrial gases. There were over three 1000s CDM undertakings underway in may 2008, which, is implemented and approved, would give expected emanations decreases of 2.5 billion dozenss of C dioxide. The Asian Pacific part histories for 80 per cent of the CDM credits that expected to be generated. The World Bank cites supply e stimations of 1.4 to 2.2 billion credits by 2012 Decisions and recommendations Global concern over clime alteration impacts and hazards has increased greatly in recent times, and clime alteration is recognised non merely an environmental challenge but besides an economic challenge. The Pacific part is home to the fast growth, big economic systems in the universe and the dominant beginning of growing in nursery gas emanations. To restrict and cut down emanations action is required in developing states. There is big figure of chances to cut down emanations but most of these are expensive and can non be implemented unless policy scenes change. More ambitious policies will be needed to turn emanation tendencies around in developing and developed states. The international kineticss are of the reciprocally reenforcing type: one country`s action depends on other states making their spot. The more states commit to important policies, the easier it will go to pull others in. In contrast, if some states refuse to take portion in corporate action, others will besides decl ine to make so. An effectual response to planetary clime alteration will necessitate to affect bilateral trade or many-sided understanding. Large and medium sized economic systems will necessitate to be a portion of it. For an understanding to win, the door must be kept broad unfastened for developing states to prosecute to the full in policies, with the support of high income states. Climate alteration analysts predict that within the coming decennaries, sea degree will lift bit by bit. So the impacting state might hold begun placing the effects of clime alteration on touristry activities and overall people populating in that part. Small islands are at hazard to accommodate to the inauspicious affects of clime alteration because of high costs every bit good as benefits. Not merely merely people but alone human civilizations are besides at high hazard. Migration is another option for local people but once more the cost factor is important, as most of these people are illiterate and unemployed. They will hold to relocate unwillingly. Survival is the chief concern in this instance. It is besides extremely impossible for any recipient state to allow refuge to an full state. The larger impact of clime alteration will dispute the capacity of the state. The secondary impacts will be H2O scarceness, nutrient security, wellness services, land scarceness. At some point man y land countries will go incapable of prolonging life and people will be forced to migrate. How to cite Climate Change Problems For The Fiji Islands Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Social darwinsim history Essay Example For Students

Social darwinsim history Essay Social Darwinism and its use to Justify Business Practices of the 19th andThesis: The need for a justification of enormous wealth of a few and anunimaginable poverty of millions was, as many tend to believe, fulfilled bythe emergence of a theory called Social Darwinism, which on one hand wasregarded as a primary defense of business activities, and on the other, wasI. Definition and origin of Social Darwinism III. Overemphasis on Social Darwinism B. Relied on Christian and other arguments During the late 19th, and early 20th century, the United States experienced agrowth of industry like it has never seen before. New patents and inventionsflourished. New products flooded the market. While thousands of poor,hungry, and unemployed crowded the streets, the rich were busy displayingtheir enormous wealth. Even though the need for reform was overwhelming,for the majority of Americans, nothing was being done. The big bosses wereable to buy off the politicians and persuade them to vote in the ir favor. Whilethe rich were getting richer, and the poor getting poorer, the politicianswatched. The need for a justification of the enormous wealth of a few and anunimaginable poverty of millions was, as many tended to believe, fulfilled bythe emergence of a theory called Social Darwinism, which on one hand wasregarded as a primary defense of business activities, and on the other, wasnothing more than a myth. Social Darwinism, the experts say, was ashort-lived theory of social evolution, vigorously discussed in America,which rationalized and justified the harsh facts of social stratification in anattempt to reconcile them with the prevalent ideology of equalitarianism. Theemergence of Social Darwinism was perhaps the most visible effect on thesocial sciences of Charles Darwins The Origin of Species (Tax and Krucoff402). In simple terms, Social Darwinism was an application (many believe amisapplication) of Charles Darwins laws of evolution and natural selection tohuman society. In his most famous book The Origin of Species, Darwinincluded four major arguments: that new species appear; that these newspecies have evolved from older species; that the evolution of species is theresult of natural selection; and that natural selection depends upon variationsand the maintenance of variation in spite of the tendency of natural selectionto eliminate unfit variants (403). Darwin explains the process of naturalAs many more individuals of each species are born that can possibly survive;and as, consequently, there is a frequently recurring struggle for existence, itfollows that any being, if it vary however slightly in any manner profitable toitself, under the complex and sometimes varying conditions of life, will havea better chance of surviving, and thus be naturally selected. From the strongprinciple of inheritance, any selected variety will tend to propagate its newAccording to Darwin, natural selection is depended on the struggle forexistence among individuals. Any o rganism that is able to obtain thenecessary resources, often at the expense of other organisms, will survive,reproduce and pass on the favored qualities onto its offspring (theprinciple of inheritance). In short, the weak, unfit will die, and the strong,will continue its existence. This whole theory was summarized in one laconicphrase survival of the fittest. For almost a decade before Darwins TheOrigin of Species was the first published in 1859, a well educatedEnglishman named Herbert Spencer had been writing about the doctrine ofevolution. He was first ever to use the popular phrase survival of the fittestand was among the first to apply the doctrine of evolution to human society. Along with William Graham Sumner, they portrayed the society as an arenain which individuals struggled and where the fittest survived. They agreedthat from within societies, the businessmen proved to be the fittest. Sumneronce said, The men who have not done their duty in this world never can beequal to those who have done their duty. The class distinctions simplyresult from the different degrees of success with which men have availedthemselves of the chances which were presented to them. Their doctrinestated that the government should not interfere, and help the less fit (and bydoing so hurting the society). It should maintain a laissez faire policy. Therecould be no laws to help the poor. There could be no laws to regulate thebusinesses for they created artificial barriers to natural selection of thestrongest firms. Competition would regulate the industry. Others followedwith their opposition to tariffs, trade regulations, state banking, governmentpostal services etc,. (Bryant, Jr. and Dethloff 253). Those, at that time verycontroversial issues, brought them, but especially Spencer, a lot of negativepublicity. In 1875, the economist John Elliott Cairnes announced thatSpencer transferred laws of physiology to the domain of social science. Tenyears later, the Belgian sociologist, Emile de Laveleye added that Spencerwas anxious to see the law of the survival of the fittest and of naturalselection adopted in human society. A number of intellectuals andsociologists had later accused Spencer and Summner of supporting the unjustand brutally individualistic regime of Spencarianism or Social Darwinism(Bannister 34-36) There were of course scholars who supported the ideas ofSpencer and Sumner. Even Charles Darwin who in his The Origin of Speciespurpously avoided the issues of social evolution later addressed them in hisbook The Descent of Man in a key chapter titled On the Development of theIntellectual and Moral Faculties. Darwin recognized the argument that if onewer e to apply the laws of survival of the fittest and natural selection tosociety, should the society preserve its weaker members? The key passagefrom The Descent of Man reads as follows: With savages, the weak in bodyor mind are soon eliminated; and those that survive commonly exhibit avigorous state of health. We civilized men, on the other hand, do our utmostto check the process of elimination; we build asylums for the imbecile, themaimed, and the sick; we institute poor-laws; and our medical men exerttheir utmost skill to save the life of everyone to the last moment. Thus, theweak members of civilized societies propagate their kind. No one who hasattended to the breeding of domestic animals will doubt that this must behighly injurious to the race of man. It is surprising how soon a want of care,or care wrongly directed, leads to the degeneration of a domestic race; butexcepting in the case of man himself, hardly anyone is so ignorant as to allowhis worst animals to breed (qtd. in B annister 30) Clearly, even Charles Darwin wasnt ignorant toward the reasoning behindSocial Darwinism. He never really stated whether he fully supported it orwere against it. Historians tend to believe that his opinion laid somewhere inbetween (Bannister 30-31). Social Darwinism in United States goes hand inhand with the Gilded Age and with the rise of the industry. The Gilded Age,the period from 1865 to 1901, was an era of great industrial and economicgrowth for America. It was an era of numerous inventions and patents. It wasalso an era of extreme riches for some, and of wretched poverty for others. Itwas an era of the Robber Barons, as Matthew Josephson called them. Oneof such Robber Barons was John D. Rockefeller. With his savings of$5,000, at a very young age John D. Rockefeller opened his first oil refinery. Fingerprints EssayOthers, however, when called upon to justify their activities, fell upon oldarguments like Christian virtues and moral platitudes, that in no waycorrelated with Social Darwinism (Wyllie 157-169). Its interesting to readabout men like Carnegie or Rockefeller, who regarded themselves as trueSocial Darwinists. Men who on one hand promoted the idea of regulatingindustry by competition (the very essence of social darwinism), and on theother devoted their lives to eliminating competition from within their ownindustries. Men who spent two thirds of their lives cheating, buying offpoliticians, and growing enormously rich at the price of making others poor. Men who then retired, and became philanthropists, and gave away hundredsof millions of their lifetime earnings. And finally men who were bookishand intelligent enough to use the theory of Social Darwinism to justify theirruthless and unfair business practices. Unfortunately, there were only veryfew men like that. Social Darwinism, was in fact only a short-lived theory;nothing more than a greatly overemphasized myth, given much more creditAndrew Carnegie: The Principles of Industrial and Social ProgressIllustrated by His Career. The Monthly Bulletin Of the National City Bankof New York, Sept. 1919. Bannister, Robert C. Social Darwinism: Scienceand Myth in Anglo American Social Thought. Philadelphia: Temple U P,1979. Bryant, Keith L., and Henry C. Dethloff. A History of AmericanBusiness. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1990. Cashman, Sean D. Americain the Gilded Age: from the Death of Abraham Lincoln to the Rise ofTheodore Roosevelt. New York: New York U P, 1984. Cooke, Alistar. Money on the Land. Directed by: David Heycock, Chicago, 1984. Current,Richard N. et al. American History: a Survey. New York: Knopf, 1983. Darwin, Charles. The Origin of Species. New York: Random House, 1993. Hofstadter, Richard. Social Darwinism in American Thought. New York:George Braziller, Inc., 1969. Krucoff, Larry S. and Sol Tax. SocialDarwinism. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. 1968 ed. Wyllie, Irvin g. Social Darwinism and the Businessman. PivotalInterpretations of American History. Vol. II. ed.Carl N. Degler. New York:Bibliography:WORKS CITED: Andrew Carnegie: The Principles of Industrial and Social ProgressIllustrated by His Career. The Monthly Bulletin Of the National City Bankof New York, Sept. 1919. Bannister, Robert C. Social Darwinism: Scienceand Myth in Anglo American Social Thought. Philadelphia: Temple U P,1979. Bryant, Keith L., and Henry C. Dethloff. A History of AmericanBusiness. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1990. Cashman, Sean D. Americain the Gilded Age: from the Death of Abraham Lincoln to the Rise ofTheodore Roosevelt. New York: New York U P, 1984. Cooke, Alistar. Money on the Land. Directed by: David Heycock, Chicago, 1984. Current,Richard N. et al. American History: a Survey. New York: Knopf, 1983. Darwin, Charles. The Origin of Species. New York: Random House, 1993. Hofstadter, Richard. Social Darwinism in American Thought. New York:George Braziller, Inc., 1969. Krucoff, Larry S. and Sol Tax. SocialDarwinism. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. 1968 ed. Wyllie, Irvin g. Social Darwinism and the Businessman. PivotalInterpretations of American History. Vol. II. ed.Carl N. Degler. New York:Harper Row, 1966. 157-170.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Articles of Confederation AP essays

Articles of Confederation AP essays In 1777, the states enacted the Articles of Confederation to preserve democracy and prevent tyranny from those who sought to centralize power. But in their efforts to keep their independence, the states created a weak central government that was unable to improve an insolvent economy and poor foreign relations. Although the confederation gained some substantial powers, the crucial powers to tax and regulate commerce remained with the individual states. Each state passed their own currency, and therefore created inflation and made "Continentals" in circulation worthless. Compounded with restrictions on trade to Great Britain and down the Mississippi River, the states became mired in a heavy depression. John Fiske, of the conservative view, realized the precarious situation when he stated "the Nation was under the verge of collapse and near-anarchy and that the five year period after 1783 was the most critical time in American History."Robert Morris, secretary of finance, resorted to desperate measures with the Newburgh conspiracy in an attempt to raise funds for a depleted military; but it took an impassioned plea from General Washington himself to put down the rebellion. Furthermore, the Articles allowed for personal rights abuses such as unsubstantiated foreclosures on farms and ill advised loans to certain " small groups", the antithesis of republicanism. As Arthur Schlesinger Jr. stated "the Articles were to impotent to govern." Lastly, no judicial system was provided for to enforce laws and therefore allowed for insurrections such as Shays Rebe llion. In addition, to pass legislation required a unanimous consent and more than not a single dissenting vote prevented the ratification of strong economic bills. Overall, the Articles were ineffective in improving the economic state of the new nation. Although Thomas Paine (Common Sense) believed that the Articles and decentralization was a logical choice of government after...

Monday, November 25, 2019

Maya Angelou is an American author actress civilrights activist poet a

Maya Angelou is an American author actress civilrights activist poet a Sister Flowers by Maya Angelou Maya Angelou is an American author, actress, civil-rights activist, poet, and professor. She has written multiple volumes of poetry and a series of popular autobiographical works, including Wouldnt Take Nothing for My Journey Now (1993). This essay is a chapter from her first autobiographical volume, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (1969). Recent books include Phenomenal Woman (2000) and Elder Grace (2000). For nearly a year, I sopped around the house, the Store, the school and the church, like an old biscuit, dirty and inedible. Then I met, or rather got to know, the lady who threw me my first life line. Mrs. Bertha Flowers was the aristocrat of Black Stamps. She had the grace of control to appear warm in the coldest weather, and on the Arkansas summer days it seemed she had a private breeze which swirled around, cooling her. She was thin without the taut look of wiry people, and her printed voile dresses and flowered hats were as right for her as denim overalls for a farmer. She was our sides answer to the richest white woman in town. Her skin was a rich black that would have peeled like a plum if snagged, but then no one would have thought of getting close enough to Mrs. Flowers to ruffle her dress, let alone snag her skin. She didnt encourage familiarity. She wore gloves too. I dont think I ever saw Mrs. Flowers laugh, but she smiled often. A slow widening of her thin black lips to show even, small white teeth, then the slow effortless closing. When she chose to smile on me, I always wanted to thank her. The action was so graceful and inclusively benign. She was one of the few gentlewomen I have ever known, and has remained throughout my life the measure of what a human being can be. Momma had a strange relationship with her. Most often when she passed on the road in front of the Store, she spoke to Momma in that soft yet carrying voice, Good day, Mrs. Henderson. Momma responded with How you, Sister Flowers? Mrs. Flowers didnt belong to our church, nor was she Mommas familiar. Why on earth did she insist on calling her Sister Flowers? Shame made me want to hide my face. Mrs. Flowers deserved better than to be called Sister. Then, Momma left out the verb. Why not ask, How are you, Mrs. Flowers? With the unbalanced passion of the young, I hated her for showing her ignorance to Mrs. Flowers. It didnt occur to me for many years that they were as alike as sisters, separated only by formal education. Although I was upset, neither of the women was in the least shaken by what I thought an unceremonious greeting. Mrs. Flowers would continue her easy gait up the hill to her little bungalow, and Momma kept on shelling peas or doing whatever had brought her to the front porch. Occasionally, though, Mrs. Flowers would drift off the road and down to the Store and Momma would say to me, Sister, you go on and play. As she left I would hear the beginning of an intimate conversation. Momma persistently using the wrong verb, or none at all. Brother and Sister Wilcox is sholy the meanest Is, Momma? Is? Oh, please, not is, Momma, for two or more. But they talked, and from the side of the building where I waited for the ground to open up and swallow me, I heard the soft-voiced Mrs. Flowers and the textured voice of my grandmother merging and melting. They were interrupted from time to time by giggles that must have come from Mrs. Flowers (Momma never giggled in her life). Then she was gone. She appealed to me because she was like people I had never met personally. Like women in English novels who walked the moors (whatever they were) with their loyal dogs racing at a respectful distance. Like the women who sat in front of roaring fireplaces, drinking tea incessantly from silver trays full of scones and crumpets. Women who walked over the heaths and read morocco-bound books and had two last names divided by a hyphen. It would be safe to say that she

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Choosing Construction Method (which one is most cost effective) Dissertation

Choosing Construction Method (which one is most cost effective) self-build - Dissertation Example Options are very important to consider in a self-build project because this will help the builder in choosing the best method for the project. 1. Steel frame This is advantageous because it gives strong energy efficiency and a good standard is achievable. This is usually use in buildings with big open-plan spaces. Considerations, wrapping the exterior part of the frame with firm insulation layer in preventing heat loss. The need of this is not usually recognize in some methods in construction. By comparing to the timber frame, expect 25% more with the cost in using the steel. 2. Brick and block construction This is one of the most common method that is use where in the bricks is attach to the inner skin of the blocks. This construction method is very quick considering the weight of the blocks and how easy it is to use. However, Considerations must be taken like aerated blocks are good insulators. 150 mm thick block compared to 100mm (normal) is suggested to use. Understanding in the different use of the blocks according to the location of the project is very important. In using this method it is also important to consider the weather because it could force the work to stop which in effect will increase the cost. 3. Pre-cast concrete panels It is a concrete panel made through a formwork mould and fabricated outside the site. Exceptionally, this method produces a very strong building. Usually used in basements and where water proofing is advised. This method is best recommended in building volume of houses building that involves a high level of repetition. It is not popular and suited to a one-off house and this method needs plenty of space to be able to put the panels in proper place. 4. Timber frame This method gives the idea that the timber studs and panels can be cover by any weatherproof material. Structural beams are also available in achieving a greater span. This method also suggests to a better flexibility for ground floor room layouts (Self Builder, 201 1). Vision As the methods to choose from have been presented above it is relevant to state the vision statement that would describe what is wanted in the future regarding the self project. In applying standardize engineered fabrication and assembly methods, new supplies and tools will help in a rapid low-cost construction in standardize, lightweight structure and in an efficient working time. There are a lot of advantages in using flexible and programmable new improved properties when it comes to strength, transportation and flexibility to form. This modern process is efficient in reducing labor and material cost. Current problems It is very important to be aware of the existing situation in identifying the current problems with regard of the self project. Many changes occur over the past few decades when it comes to dealing with materials and methods that is applied and used in a construction. Popularity about the use of concrete and steel in the industry are evident. Construction equipment advancement including the secondary system leads to surplus advantages like reducing the maintenance and improving the durability, energy efficiency and lower the environmental impact. Potentials benefits and Opportunities 1. Traditional way of construction is reduce to a fraction of the present trend. 2. Direct labor that is normally required is reduced in

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Jean Watson's Theory of Caring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Jean Watson's Theory of Caring - Essay Example The ultimate aim of this context is to examine Jean Watson’s theory of caring and its implications for both patients and nurses. This paper begins by outlining the overview of the theory before looking at how she brought out the idea of caring moment and how it can apply to daily lives of people (Potter & Perry, 1999). Watson’s theory of human caring also called theory of transpersonal caring or the caring model was established in 1979. The theory has undergone evolution for several years, but its root principal remains outstanding. The theory stresses on the concept of humanistic issue of nursing in conjunction to scientific knowledge. She modeled the theory in a way that it clearly brings out the implication and focus to nursing as a different health line of work. She believed that caring is a backing and support of the identity of nurses (Delaune, 2002). She added on that the identity of medicine is that of caring, since nurses deal with patients and medicines; the same should portray their identity. Florence Nightingale who stated that, â€Å"It is the surgeon who saves the life of an individual and it is the nurse who helps the life of this person,† heavily supported Watson’s implication (Reed, 2006). The theory of human caring implies that the role of nurses is to develo p a caring association with patients through treating them as holistic being, which means, body, mind and spirit. The nurses are also supposed to express categorical acceptance and care for patients with a positive concern. They are also supposed to foster health through wisdom and involvement. Watson defined caring moment as the uninterrupted time that a nurse spends with a patient where they can share a story, advice, a joke, laugh together and at least make the patient feel healed. It is the session where the nurse and the patient make contact through nurse entering the patient’s room and making him

Monday, November 18, 2019

Background check Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Background check - Essay Example When individuals hire close friends, they are reluctant to perform the background checks. The second reason is trust where white color criminals are not profiled easily as they are trusted. The last reason is financial issues where small businesses do not have adequate resources to perform the check. Therefore, these businesses opt to avoid the background check. Personally, I do not have an instance where a company failed to perform the check on an individual as my friends confirmed that they signed the waivers for background checks. This shows that the problem has significantly improved in the modern days because information to perform the check is readily available as opposed to the past. A standing policy would be an important measure to ensure that individuals do not avoid the background checks in the future. For reasonable and reliable decision making process, verification of potential employee’s background information is crucial (Muir 51). If I were in the position of hiring a high-level financial employee, I would first interview them personally and then perform an extensive background check to avoid compromising the functioning of my company as a result of vandalism, embezzlement or theft of company resources. Additionally, I would ensure that I contact all previous employers in spite of the subject individual’s experi ence or expertise. With regard to the case scenario, the first company did its duty by reporting the culprit but the second failed leading to a

Friday, November 15, 2019

Starbucks Expansion to China

Starbucks Expansion to China Our group would like to present Starbucks story in China. Starbucks is one of the largest coffee chains in the World, ranked 631 in Global 2000 list of Forbes. The company has a unique style and atmosphere in their coffee houses. We chose China because it is the worlds most populous country with over 1.3 billion people live there and second-largest country by land area. After 1978, the countrys economy were underwent dramatic changes which involved such relief as permission for entrepreneurs to start up their own business and opening the country for foreign investment. It is obviously that Starbucks managers decided to take advantage of such opportunity to expand their business into new region. To evaluate Chinese market the company used several steps of analyses. The initial screening process helped the company answer the question: who might be interested in buying coffee in China? To introduce the Starbucks brand the company begun to distribute coffee for free to guests in several Beijings hotels in 1994. This initiative indicated that there was a strong demand for their products, particularly among foreigners in China. Local people, who strived to imitate the Western lifestyle, also showed interest for coffee drinking. In addition young generation were enchantment by brands and products from the West. These factors led Starbucks managers to learn and understand more about business climate in that Asia country. Next step for Starbucks was to determine financial and economic conditions of China. Companys managers were aware that Chinese Gross Domestic Product (GDP) continuously grew approximately 9 % on an average and a GDP per capita was US$3.800. All these factors led to rising income of middle class. That was undoubted advantage for entering Chinese market for Starbucks. At the third level of screening Starbucks faced with political restrictions. China is highly bureaucratic country with difficult processes of getting permissions and sanctions to start and run business. In order to avoid these challenges the company built and maintain firm relationship with Chinese local partners as well as government officials. In addition, Starbucks Soong Ching-Ling Foundation received $5 million donation from Starbucks to support education in countrys poorest regions. The fourth level of screening involved socio-cultural forces. It showed the biggest challenges for Starbucks, because of the old tradition of tea drinking in China. At the beginning managers didnt know how to accustomed Chinese to drink and appreciate coffee. To acquaint employees and Chinese executives with coffee drinking experience Starbucks provided different training programs for them in which they learned more about coffee and Starbucks culture. The same way the company taught customers about different flavors and types of coffee. Another aspect was Chinese shopping behaviour which was different from the US market. People in China spent main slice of their monthly budget on foods. This also led to success for the company. The fifth level of China screening was focused on competitive forces. As we mentioned before China is a tea country and the share of coffee was low. Little or no competition for Starbucks was considered as an advantage. Chinese people were familiar only with one international brand which was Nestlà ©s Nescafe. However, Nescafe is not a coffee house like Starbucks. As regards local competitions, it was a well-known Chinese brand Li Shen and Japanese brand Zhen Gou Coffee. Having taken into account all the factors of international market assessment which was done by Starbucks we think that it was right decision to enter that market. Despite of all the risks of Chinese economy and vacillating attitudes toward The West culture, there is no doubt that consumption of coffee in China will continue to grow. As a result Starbucks will benefit from it. Question # 2 Although Starbucks encountered several challenges in the process of entering into Chinese market. Starbucks had successfully expanded its business in over 20 large or medium sized cities of China, and opened about 560 storefronts in these cities by 2012. The astonishing achievement owes to its careful marketing assessment and various marketing strategies in different periods. These strategies mainly refer to 2 different modes of entering foreign markets: licensed agreement and joint venture. Licensed agreement In 1998, Starbucks adopted the mode of licensing agreement to license its Chinese partner (Beijing Mei Da), a wholesale distribution company to supply coffee beans to some selected hotels and restaurants. Starbucks realized that local partners can have the best understanding of local cultures customers and some related laws. and they have already established good relationship with local government, so it was easy to obtain the permissions and sanctions required to start and operate business in a bureaucratic country like China. Moreover, Starbucks could also maintain a high standard on the control of production, and achieve a ideal revenue in Chinese market. So licensed agreement was a optimal option for Starbucks to enter into a booming Chinas market in the mid-1990s. Joint venture A joint venture is a business agreement in which parties agree to develop, for a finite time, a new entity and new asset by contributing equity. Starbucks formed a joint venture with different partners at different times when it entered into Chinese market. Starbucks achieved considerable knowledge about the Chinese market conditions and then began to open Starbucks stores in China. The company adopted a strategy of having three different partners to enter different regions in Chinese market. In September 1998, Starbucks entered China under a licensing agreement with Beijing Mei Da Coffee Co.Ltd, which was as their first partner. In 1999, Starbucks formed a joint venture with the Taiwan based Uni-President Group and opened stores in Shanghai. In 2000, Starbucks entered into a joint venture with Mei-Xin International Ltd, it also called Coffee Concepts Ltd. It managed the operations in the region of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Macau, Guangzhou, and other parts of southern China. Based on our market assessment, there are some advantages for Starbucks with joint venture to enter Chinese market. First of all, Starbucks choose a good local partner to form a joint venture which can help it better understand the local laws and negotiate better with the authorities. It is beneficial for Starbucks to obtain required permissions and sanctions so that it can be opened easily. Secondly, local partners know Chinese market condition better than Starbucks; therefore, it is effective and efficient method for Starbucks to adopt a few localization strategies to satisfy different regions of customers. Last but not least, joint venture is a good way for Starbucks to reduce operation expenditure, and it also helps to reduce risks in Chinese market. Question # 3 In many ways Starbucks has changed their business strategies while operating in China. We could simply identify those changes from the case study, library sources and other sources.We have described those changes in the following paragraphs. We want our customers to recognize that were not coming to China just to make money, we are coming to China to build an enduring company that they can trust and they can view as one of their own. (Howard Schultz) Starbucks modified their menu and tried to localize its brand name by selling some food items according to the choice of the Chinese people and selling different kind of tea. They also changed their marketing and pricing strategies based on needs for the Chinese market. Our entry into Beijing is about serving people, building global relationships, and celebrating local cultures over a great cup of coffee. That is the heart and soul of the Starbucks Experience. We are excited to be working with our partners, Beijing Mei DA Coffee Co. Ltd., who shares our values and business philosophy. said Howard Behar of SCI When Starbucks started in China, one of the biggest challenges it faced was to make the consumers accustomed to drink and appreciating coffee. Arrocding to analysts, compared to other countries in which Starbucks operated this task was more difficult in China because of the age old tradition of tea drinking in the country, where coffee was seen as nothing less than a kind of Western invasion. Starbucks, like any other multinational company, had to go through the dilemma of choosing whether to follow Chinese traditional tea or take a big risk of following Starbucks culture of promoting premium coffee. The company chose to opt for its own culture and sell the idea of the Coffee drinking experience. Starbucks started by projecting the stores as a place for social gathering. The stores were also larger in area than the ones in the US, as the idea was to make the customers feel at home, relax and spend more time there. Similarly the company took initiatives to teach the customers about the different types of coffees and how to distinguish between flavors. The customers were given some samples to smell as well as sip and then describe their experience. At times if the customers did not enjoy the sample, the store employees asked them to come back again later for another tasting session or they offered them some other drink that they enjoyed. They also spoke to the customers about the positive effects drinking coffee. For example, they spoke about how drinking coffee helped to change their mood and how it was good to have coffee in the morning. On the other hand as Chinese people were accustomed with tea drinking, Starbucks other business strategy was to promote the benefit of coffee drinking to its customers and distributed free samples of coffees. The company also changed its normal store size to project itself as a place for social gathering. Localization Strategies: Normally Starbucks follows a high standard technique to maintain its stores worldwide. But in the case of China it adapted some strategies influenced by local culture and market conditions to gain Chinese peoples trust and confidence. Small changes were made in the texture, menu and store layout just to match with Chinese culture and food preferences. Within few months of opening the coffee stores, the company started observing that coffee culture is different for Chinese people than US, where people are very busy in their daily lives and they just grab their coffee and leave, but in China coffee stores were more like a place for social gathering where they can sit and talk for hours with their friends and families. Therefore, according to the market needs they had to square bigger stores. In the US a normal size of Starbcks store is about 1,200 to 1,500 square feet whereas in China they started opening stores bigger than 2,000 square feet. It was observed that the Chinese also liked to have some food along with their drink. 5 In response to that Starbucks started offering some popular Chinese foods like, curry puffs, moon cakes, and traditional cookies. Starbucks incorporates another localize strategy in every country they go, by modifying the name of Starbucks to suit the local language, like in China they Changed the name to Xing Bake where Xing represents Star and Bake was pronounced as bucks. Starbucks accepted the reality that maximum people in China like tea more than coffee though young generation is more likely to go for coffee. So they decided different menu for different stores in China. In Shanghai and westernized, the stores a standard menu where they served coffee. And in Beijing stores they introduced different tea-based drinks like coffee-flavored milk tea, green tea-flavored frappuccino etc. to attract more people. Promotional and Pricing Strategies: To promote themselves in China the company chose a different way. It was mostly depended on the people to spread goodwill through word of mouth than commercial advertisements and media products. Their knowledge, organized way of business left a good impression on customers mind. The customers were willing to pay a higher price for the brand name. As a result young, urban Chinese, who solely started to associate visiting Starbucks or being seen with a Starbucks cup, as a symbol of social status. They tried to build their reputation in terms of, product quality, customer service, employee relationship, etc. To enhance the name of Starbucks they had different strategies. From professional to students they had different ways to attract them. They started selling latest DVDs, free access of internet and also use to provide different wireless services so people can feel it like their 3rd home. Starbucks uses the highest quality coffee beans from ideal coffee producing climates. They helped Chinese farmers, made good relationships with their workers and they also made a good reputation in the supply market .As a result of good reputation, good quality and high price they were able to attract people and also maintain their luxury appeal. The company priced its coffees at around US$ 6 for a cup, which was considered by analysts as too costly , even though it was too costly by Chinese standards but they decided to continue with it because in China, high price was directly associated with quality.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy :: Biology Cattle Disease Essays

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is a relatively new disease found primarily in cattle. This disease of the bovine breed was first seen in the United Kingdom in November 1986 by histopathological examination of affected brains (Kimberlin, 1993) . From the first discovery in 1986 to 1990 this disease developed into a large-scale epidemic in most of the United Kingdom, with very serious economic consequences (Moore, 1996). BSE primarily occurs in adult cattle of both male and female genders. The most common age at which cows may be affected is between the ages of four and five (Blowey, 1991). Due to the fact that BSE is a neurological disease, it is characterized by many distinct symptoms: changes in mental state 'mad-cow', abnormalities of posture, movement, and sensation (Hunter, 1993). The duration of the clinical disease varies with each case, but most commonly lasts for several weeks. BSE continues to progress and is usually considered fatal (Blowey, 1991).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After extensive research, the pathology of BSE was finally determined. Microscopic lesions in the central nervous system that consist of a bilaterally symmetrical, non-inflammatory vacuolation of neuronal perikarya and grey-matter neuropil was the scientists' overall conclusion (Stadthalle, 1993). These lesions are consistent with the diseases of the more common scrapie family. Without further investigation, the conclusion was made that BSE was a new member of the scrapie family (Westgarth, 1994).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Transmission of BSE is rather common throughout the cattle industry. After the incubation period of one to two years, experimental transmission was found possible by the injection of brain homogenates from clinical cases (Swanson, 1990). This only confirmed that BSE is caused by a scrapie-like infectious agent.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How does the transmission become so readily available among the entire United Kingdom feedlot population? Studies showed that the mode of infection was meat and bone meal that had been incorporated into concentrated feedstuffs as a protein-rich supplement (Glausiusz, 1996). It is thought that the outbreak was started by a scrapie infection of cattle, but the subsequent course of the epidemic was driven by the recycling of infected cattle material within the cattle population (Lyall, 1996). Although the average rate of infection is very low, the reason why this led to such a large number of BSE cases is that much of the United Kingdom dairy cattle population was exposed for many, continuous years (Kimberlin, 1993).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To help control the outbreak, the British government in 1988 introduced a ban on the feeding of ruminant protein to other ruminant animals (Lacey, 1995). Such knowledge for the pathogenesis of the BSE disease shows precisely the actions that must be taken in order to control and minimize the risk of